Settled In

 Quasifrodo and Tina Tenrec have settled in nicely together. Neither is in the other's way, Quasi stays in his "hobbit hole" all day, only venturing to eat and perform his ablutions when the rest of the household is asleep. Tina sleeps most of the day too, except for the occasional snack of papaya, mango or other fruits. In the evenings, Tina runs a mini-marathon on her wheel, while Quasi peers past his door at his active sister. 
They both stay to their floors and belongings, not eating from each other's bowls or using each other's sand, but Quasi did once invade Tina's "hobbit hole ". After a few minutes of panic as to where Tina was, we found her hiding behind her sand tray. She had good reason to, Quasifrodo alone barely fit into the little house, space for another prickly friend was out of the question. In general, the two ignore each other, happily co-existing in mutual avoidance.


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