A Prickly Situation

It has been rather a long while since I last posted anything, because I believed that there was nothing more to be said about this arrangement. Was I ever wrong. At first, Tina and Quasi seemed to ignore each other's existence. One night, however, Quasifrodo had no bathing sand, so he set off on a search to find some. Tina had none either, but Tina had a cozy house. Quasifrodo, being lazy, decided not to go all the way down to his own 'hobbit hole '. He would simply occupy Tina 's. Tina, knowing better than to fight something twice her size, crawled behind her bowls and lay curled up for protection. In this state we found them the next morning. Quasi was removed and Tina's hole was cleaned.

Everything was back in order, but we did not want Quasifrodo to try Tina 's hole again, so we made a barricade of the same green foam their houses are made from, with a hole just large enough for Tina to slip through. At first, it appeared to be working. Quasi stayed on his level and Tina had full access  to the entire cage. Then, one morning, we found the barricade run over and the unwelcome visitor to Tina 's house. Again we removed Quasifrodo, cleaned the hobbit hole and put up a stronger barricade. This exercise was repeated several times before we concluded that Quasifrodo could no longer live in the same enclosure as Tina


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